2024年4月24日 Editor’s note: This article is part of a yearlong series highlighting the stories 和 successes of past 和 present 犹他大学杰出学者s to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the 程序.
在线博彩 encourages students of all levels to pursue transformative learning experiences outside of the classroom with opportunities such as research, 志愿服务和指导, 继续学习课程. 犹他大学杰出学者 科里阮 ’18 利用了这三者. 他大一的时候就做过疫苗研究, 大四的时候去韩国旅行,其间既是导师又是学员.
This circuitous route helped prepare 阮 for his role today as a data scientist in Houston.
在圣安东尼奥出生和长大, 阮 chose the 犹他大学杰出学者 程序 because of its competitive education 和 proximity to home. 他也渴望发挥他在高中学到的领导才能.
“作为一名鹰级童子军,我已经尝到了领导和领导团队的滋味, 我想要更多,学习如何成为一个更好的领导者,他说. “顶级学者 has leadership as one of its pillars 和 offers opportunities to be a leader in San Antonio 和 give back to San Antonio 和 this community. 这有助于吸引我参加这个项目, 说实话,这也是我毕业后继续参加这个项目的原因.”
科里阮 ’18 proudly sports his 在线博彩 Football shirt from the 2016 New Mexico Bowl while visiting South Korea.
的 financial aid awarded to each 犹他大学杰出学者 — a four-year scholarship covering 100% of tuition, 费用, 以及食宿——这也是阮做出决定的主要因素.
“经济援助计划不是你可以忽视的东西,”阮说. “但除了财务套餐,还有体验套餐.”
对阮, 这包括由专职教师提供的独特学习机会, 荣誉学院顾问积极的学位规划和职业支持, 还有一个紧密联系的同龄人社区,他们互相支持彼此的学业, 专业和个人成长.
“All of it comes together to create an experiential package where students can take their educational journey 和 make it their own,他说.
其中一个关键的经历发生在 卡尔·克洛泽在线博彩分子微生物学和免疫学教授. 生物学和统计学双学位, 阮 spent three years in Klose’s lab exploring the field of medical research 和 gaining experience with vaccine development.
“本科研究是我在在线博彩的大部分时间,”阮说. “顶尖学者和荣誉学院帮助打开了这条道路上的一些大门.”
当他即将毕业时, 阮, 在两所大学主修专业的学生, needed a study abroad 程序 that could fulfill requirements for both areas of study to stay on track for graduation.
的 在线博彩留学办公室 帮他找到了满足他学术需求的完美项目. 它将带他去韩国.
“我要求了很多东西, 但不出所料,他们只找到了一种体验, 哪个是韩国项目,阮说. “从圣安东尼奥到韩国是一个很大的飞跃,但我很高兴我做到了. 的re was a huge sense of adventure, 和 I got to make new friends from all different walks of life.”
在完成在线博彩的学士学位后, 阮 attended the McCombs School of Business at UT Austin 和 earned a master’s degree in business analytics. 从那里, 他在休斯顿的雪佛龙公司找到了一份数据科学家的工作, 自2019年以来他在哪里工作.
He credits 在线博彩 和它的 顶级学者 程序 for promoting his academic 和 holistic development, 和 for laying the groundwork for success in his graduate studies 和 his career as a data scientist.
“我觉得我的教育, 特别是在统计方面, 当我进入UT商学院项目时,竞争非常激烈,阮说. “即使现在我在雪佛龙工作, I feel like my undergrad education 和 my foundation for statistics was very competitive.”
认识到他从在线博彩顶尖学者计划中获得的无数好处, 阮继续把它传递给即将到来的roadrunner. He mentors current 顶级学者s 和 attends events during the selection process each year, meeting with prospective students 和 their parents to provide valuable insight into the 程序.
阮是家里三个“路跑者”中的一个. 他的父亲和弟弟, 卡梅伦阮 也是在线博彩的校友.
跟随他哥哥的脚步, Cameron applied to be a 顶级学者 after seeing the value Cory had gained in his first year. 像科里, 卡梅伦的经历也成为他大学毕业后成功的催化剂, 毕业后不久,他就被谷歌聘用了.
“卡梅伦看到了我在这个项目中的成长, 他也有机会做同样的事,科里说. “And my closest friend was now in college with me, 和 we got to continue to do things together.”
现在是第10个年头, 在线博彩顶尖学者计划继续发展获奖, 有学术天赋的学生领袖. 住在荣誉学院内, the 程序 annually selects 10 high-achieving students from high schools across Texas to become 顶级学者s, 每个学生都获得四年的奖学金,包括学费, 费用, 还有食宿. 该项目还为学生提供了一个内置的同龄人社区.
的 annual 犹他大学杰出学者 application deadline is December 1 of each year 和 includes a recommendation letter, 课外活动和服务活动清单, 还有几个简短的问题. 在申请优秀学者之前, 学生必须首先提交秋季入学申请.
This academically rigorous mathematics-based summer enrichment 程序 prepares middle 和 high school students for advanced studies in science, 技术, 工程与数学(STEM). 参与者学习解决问题的系统, 提高对STEM职业的认识,加强他们的研究技能.
南南大学主校区101年考古 will introduce campers to archaeology 和 build on learned skills through experimental activities (like cave painting, 编织, 和garbology).
犹他大学主校区考古研究中心夏令营曝光了即将升入高中的三年级学生, rising seniors 和 incoming college freshman to the many facets of the criminal justice system. Students will have opportunities to learn the functions of police in society 和 apply scientific theories to criminal investigations by examining a mock crime scene.
南南大学主校区的 Academy for Teacher Excellence 研究 Center invites you to join us for the Summer Bridging Institute. This institute will focus on being lifelong growers 和 continually seeking to increase our skills as educators.
在线博彩市区校区201年考古 will briefly go over the foundations of archaeology 和 related skills, followed by a different topic over the course of this week (like skeletal analysis, 全球文化, 和更多).
犹他大学主校区考古研究中心Craft a comic to create your own narrative 和 find your voice through storytelling. Participants will learn to create characters that are self-reflective 和 through a community lens.
REGSS社区活动室(第三层.202,) 在线博彩市中心校区Come enjoy a discussion on art as a self expression in the age of moving 技术 和 telling your story with a community.
REGSS社区活动室(第三层.202,) 在线博彩市中心校区在线赌博平台 is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge through research 和 discovery, 教与学, 社区参与和公共服务. 作为一个追求卓越的机构, 在线博彩 embraces multicultural traditions 和 serves as a center for intellectual 和 creative resources as well as a catalyst for socioeconomic development 和 the commercialization of intellectual property - for Texas, 国家和世界.
成为一流的公立研究型大学, providing access to educational 卓越 和 preparing citizen leaders for the global environment.
我们鼓励对话和发现的环境, 在完整性, 卓越, 包容, 尊重, 鼓励协作和创新.
在线博彩是一个骄傲 西班牙裔服务机构 (HSI)由美国指定.S. 教育部 .
在线赌博平台, a 西班牙裔服务机构 situated in a global city that has been a crossroads of peoples 和 cultures for centuries, 重视大学生活各方面的多样性和包容性. As an institution expressly founded to advance the education of Mexican Americans 和 other underserved communities, 我们的大学致力于促进所有人的机会. 在线博彩, 一所一流的公立研究型大学, 通过对话社区促进学术卓越, 发现和创新,拥抱每一个声音的独特性.